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Company Policies

Accordion Content

The policy of Acheon Akti Navigation Co Ltd is to manage and operate vessels to ensure safety at life at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life and avoidance of damage to the environment, to cargo and to property. The company aims to achieve the high-level goal of Zero Incidents, Zero Spills at Sea, and continuous reduction of emissions/releases to the Environment, towards HSSE excellence.

The company  is committed to providing quality, safe and efficient sea transportation, in accordance with national and international laws, rules, regulations and industry standards, and other identified interested parties, with the highest regard for the health and safety of its personnel and other people working on its behalf or influenced by its activities, the protection of the environment and property, following a systematic approach to achieve continual improvement of energy performance, in a highly ethical manner.

Management is committed to improving standards and will actively encourage and promote the levels of awareness that such standards demand. Effective training is recognized as being essential to achieve these standards. The Management provides comprehensive training for health, safety and environmental protection and promotes programs for well–being and personal safety.

Business continuity ensuring that adequate financial and human resources are made available in all our business operations including resources required to maintain our Integrated Management System.

Control and minimize all identified risks to a level that is low as reasonably practicable thus creating a healthy and safe working environment for all employees.

Promoting among its employees, its contractors, its agents and all other parties might have business relation with, honesty, integrity, transparency and high standards of business and personal ethics.

The company’s integrated Policies are communicated to all company’s employees ashore and onboard and to all interested parties.

It is the Company’s policy to provide a secure working environment, by establishing and maintaining the required security measures to prevent unlawful acts against ships, which endanger the safety and security of persons and property on board company ships.

Company objectives are to:

  • Provide security procedures and practices for ship operations to protect the security of ports and the wider community
  • Establish safeguards to reduce the risk to passengers, crew and port personnel on board company ships
  • Improve the security skills and awareness of company personnel ashore and onboard ship
  • Prepare contingency measures for emergencies relating to possible security incidents.

Acheon Akti Navigation Co Ltd is committed to ensure Cyber Security, by establishing and maintaining the required office and vessel Cyber Security protection measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Information, Information Systems and IT / OT equipment, to promote the Safety and Security of persons and property onboard within the company, both onboard and ashore.

The Company Cyber Security Plan shall be always followed by all employees and third parties. Acheon Akti Navigation Co Management emphasizes the managing of safety risks introduced by OT, IT and networks. Without appropriate technical and procedural risk protection and control measures, OT is vulnerable to disruption affecting the safe operation of a ship and protection of the environment.

The management is committed to provide all necessary resources onboard and ashore to support company’s Cyber Security Objectives.

Acheon Akti Navigation Co Ltd policy is to maintain an atmosphere, which will enable employees to perform their work without sexual, religious, racial and/or ethnic harassment, intimidation including discrimination, victimization and bullying and/or without creating an offensive work environment. The most significant factor in addressing harassment is a top-down commitment to a culture where bullying and other forms of harassment are unacceptable. For this reason, the company has established the Human Relations procedure aiming to control and monitor the human relations with the support of the top management and to promote equality of opportunity in all stages of employment regardless of race, religion or belief, political opinion, color, ethnic origin, age, nationality, marital/parental status, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or employment status.

The company recognizes the right of employees to express their grievances and to seek a solution concerning disagreements arising from working relationships, employment practices or differences of interpretation of policy which might arise between the Company and its employees. The company is committed to complying with all MLC requirements including seafarers’ complaints. However, settlement of individual grievances quickly, as near as possible to the source of the grievance and wherever possible, at the informal stage is the company’s policy. The Human Relations procedure provides guidance and assistance to help resolve either work related or personal problems.

Acheon Akti Navigation Co Ltd personnel is aware and is expected to conduct their day-to-day tasks by abiding with company’s core values of Social Responsibility:

Commitment to ethical, honest, transparent and sound Business Conduct, by applying high standards of legal and moral ethics, to the best interest of all Stakeholders, while at the same time protecting information that may be of value to the Company.

Support of free enterprise and competition in a fair and ethical manner.

Aim for a good balance between business opportunities/ financial results and corporate, social and environmental concerns.

Respect of national and international human and labor rights as set forth in the ILO Conventions, IMO Conventions and MLC 2006.

The Company avoids discrimination on account of race, color, age, sex, religion and natural origin. All persons are to be treated with dignity and respect and they shall not be unreasonably interfered within the conduct of their duties and responsibilities.

Zero tolerance of any form of harassment, discrimination, intimidation or any other behavior that may be regarded as disrespectful, threatening or degrading.

Full compliance with and respect for the laws and regulations of the countries where the Company operates.

Sensitivity to all local customs and recognition of intrinsic value of the various cultures in which we operate, while at the same time no acceptance of any violation of basic human rights or our own business practices.

Support to the community through donations to alleviate those in need and to preserve the environment through reforestation programs.

Acheon Akti Navigation Co Ltd is committed to conducting business in an ethical and honest manner and is committed to implementing and enforcing systems that ensure bribery is prevented in all business dealings and relationships wherever it operates. The Company has a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption activities.

This Anti-bribery and Anticorruption Policy applies to all company personnel at any level, as well as Contractors, Trainees, Agents and any other persons associated with the Company (including Third Parties).

Each employee shall diligently and honestly pursue our client’s legitimate objectives. No employee shall place his or her own needs and desires above those of the client in the performance of work for that client.

The Company accepts and encourages the act of donating to charities – whether through services, knowledge, time, or direct financial contributions– and agrees to disclose all charitable contributions it makes, if it ensured that they are not used to facilitate and conceal acts of bribery.

This policy aims to clarify the scope of the relevant ‘confidentiality undertakings’ assumed by all employees employed by the Company and seafarers serving on the vessels managed by the Company.

This policy applies to all shore-based and shipboard employees during work and non-work hours, on personal and Company supplied equipment.

The Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer, Heads of Departments and ships’ Masters are responsible for ensuring that the standards set forth by this policy are communicated to their teams and that their own conduct sets a good example in this respect.

The Master shall have the ultimate responsibility of monitoring the application of this Policy on a ship and shall have the right in case of a breach of this Policy.

The purpose of this Whistleblower Policy is to establish a formal, confidential process for employees, contractors, and other stakeholders of Acheon Akti Navigation to report suspected illegal or unethical behavior, including but not limited to fraud, corruption, health and safety violations, environmental concerns, and human rights abuses. This policy aims to protect whistleblowers from retaliation and to ensure that all reports are taken seriously and investigated appropriately.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and other individuals or entities that work with or on behalf of Acheon Akti Navigation, regardless of their location or position within the organization.